Pearl Agricultural Consulting, Inc. is focused on promoting industry-leading research and driving innovation within British Columbia’s Tree Fruit sector.
Pearl Agricultural Consulting has worked with numerous industry-leading agricultural input companies to perform efficacy trials, collect product use data and launch new horticultural products into the Tree Fruit and Grape markets.
Technology-transfer and farm-specific extension is at the core of Pearl’s business. Pearl Agricultural Consulting, Inc. develops and delivers educational events and content, through a number of on-site and online mediums. We welcome collaboration with industry-leaders world-wide.
Pearl Agricultural Consulting, Inc. provides engaged agronomic support and extension services to conventional and certified organic growers and packers. Pearl works with growers to identify and solve farm-specific problems relating to crop physiology, nutrition, soil fertility and integrated pest management.
For the past two growing seasons, Molly has been working as the BC-DAS project coordinator – in a partnership between the Sterile Insect Release program and Washington State University to provide technical support for the BC-DAS program and to assist local tree fruit growers in their use of the online models for Integrated Pest Management in their own orchards.
Molly Thurston, MSc. is a Professional Agrologist and sits as a member of the BC Cherry Association – Research and Extension Committee and is the organic grower representative on the New Tree Fruit Varieties Development Council.
BC Institute of Agrologists. | BC Cherry Association | Certified Organic Associations of British Columbia
New Tree Fruit Varieties Development Council | International Fruit Tree Association